Final Project- Self Assessment and Portfolio


assignment prompt English-21007WFE-Portfolio-Assignment-FALL18


project requirements


  • answer these questions for the cover page (select an audience to write to- Dear Future Self, Dear Instructor (Me), Dear Future Engl 210 students, for example)

     – To what extent have I achieved the course learning objectives? 

     -In what ways have my perceptions on what writing is and does evolved this                        semester?

     -How does the audience impact the content and purpose of text?

was there a challenge in writing across genres and addressing specific audiences?

     – what happens to the other rhetorical elements when you change one of the elements within the situation? for example, when you change media, do the other elements change?

     -*this is the semester of “re entry to ‘traditional education.'” we have spent the last 2 years, give or take, conducting learning and teaching online. some of us may have hated it, while others were able to thrive in these “abnormal” conditions. NOW, we have returned to the traditional teaching/learning in our “appropriate” environment of the classroom. discuss how the shift back to the classroom has affected your educational experience? conducting group work? student life? which do you prefer? discuss your transition and experience.  (some students found a practicality and usefulness in the online learning approach, while others struggled and suffered tremendously because they were unable to focus being outside of the classroom)

  • discussion of all rhetorical elements and course learning outcomes



I always suggest to students when they are completing the project to consider this 

when looking at rhetorical elements (exigence, purpose, genre, audience, purpose, stance) 

consider where your understanding was of each element in the beginning of the semester, and then look at where your understanding is at present. and discuss how your understanding (or lack thereof) progressed (or digressed) 

when considering the rhetorical elements- ask yourself the following: 

– how has my understanding of each rhetorical element evolved throughout the semester? 

– what was it when I started? What is it now? How did I arrive at this conclusion?

**use the progression of the assignments to help answer this question


when looking at CLOs, look at all the measures we have done in class, coursework, homework, and projects, to achieve EACH CLO. 

for example, there is a CLO about writing as a social exercise- with every major assignment came a peer review process, that even though we actually never got to do it f2f in the classroom, it is an interactive, social process. you also left comments on bb and answered each other, which is also a social process. we did a couple of other things as well. 

when considering CLOs, examine each one and look at how you achieved it, with coursework (both online and in class) and homework. 


portfolio section- revisions of all major assignments (memo, tech description, lab report, engineering proposal/ppt). omit the audience analysis and reflection papers. documents and reference pages only!

—- sub section- abstract. each abstract works as a short section to introduce the major assignments and genres that students have composed in.  the abstract MUST include a definition of the assignment, including genre conventions, AND a reflection of your revision process. ——-> this is a short paragraph that describes your revision process.

**evidence is needed for all! (this is the self cite piece- taking from the memo, tech description, lab report, group engineering proposal), then all other aspects) lit narrative, expository, and argumentative first, then all other aspects)