Genre Rubrics
rubric for engineering lab reports
Grading Rubric.PSA.Project Revise
PSA Peer Review Workshop Worksheet Revise
engineering proposal rubric- see below
______ENGL 21007 Grading Rubric for Project Proposal (doc)
(for example): Proposal Rubric sample
powerpoint rubric
self assessment portfolio rubric
self assessment portfolio checklist engineers
- Have you addressed all of the course learning objectives, even those that you feel you did not spend enough time working on? (10 pts)
- Have you articulated explicitly the ways in which your perceptions of writing have evolved? (20 pts)
- Have you provided evidence, in the form of your own writing and specific learning moments, that you have developed as a writer? Are you able to identify areas in which you have not progressed, either because you didn’t spend enough time with them or you feel that you had a strong start in those areas? (20 pts)
- Have you effectively revised and edited your four major essays? (30 pts)
- Is your portfolio design effective and appropriate for digital audiences? (20 pts)
- Is your portfolio design simple and easy to navigate?
- Have you maintained consistency from one page to the next?
- Have you used color and contrast to make things simple for your reader?
- Have you considered font and page layout to create a neat, easy to read text?
digital website creation
Group Project Peer Review Sheets (Partner Assessments)