Student Sample- Engineering Proposal and asynch #4

asynch #4 part 1 and 2 samples

sample asynch 4 part 1

asynch 4 part 2 memo sample 1

asynch 4 part 2 memo sample 2

**Part 1 homework sample here: sample 2 homework 


Student Engineering Proposals


*Newly Added! solar powered tesla engineering proposal ccny student sample


Survival Pods Proposal

Survival Pods Project PPT


sample proposal document group 4

Group 4 – Proposal PowerPoint student sample











Flood Prevention for livestock farms in North Carolina (graded) proposal

PPT Flood Free Farms


Spring 2020 

complete project/document

Life Finder App engl 210 student sample

life finder app group 6 ppt


Fall 2020 projects

ace ventura pet detective group 2 ppt

ace ventura pet detective proposal group 2


integrated power solutions- group 3 ppt

integrated power solutions group 3 document


the atlantis cloud storage project

atlantis cloud storage project group 4 ppt


Spring 2021 Projects

Coastal Technologies Group 4 Proposal Document

Coastal Technologies Group 4 PPT

Coastal Technologies Project Recording (watch from 56:00-1:10:00)


StormWall corporation- Community Center Proposal document

StormWall corporation- Community Center Proposal PPT

StormWall Corporation Project Recording (watch from 16:00-36:00)


For extra project viewing, watch: Fall 2021 Project Recordings