*Optional* Extra Credit- **note: all extra credit assignments are solo submissions. there is no group work on the extra credit.
All extra credit is due by the last day of classes via email.
Students may choose ONE extra credit option from the list.
There are oftentimes extra credit opportunities throughout the semester, so don’t fret.
#1- a new option: Does storytelling belong in engineering? (out of 30 points)
— Even though the world is becoming inclusive and diverse, there is still a whitewashed look to the STEM professions. Read the above link, and discuss representation, or lack thereof, and storytelling, within the STEM curriculum and professions.
#2- similar to the group engineering proposal assignment, but a shorter solo assignment. no ppt, only a document, which must include a short tech description, at least 1 audience analysis, and of course, a properly composed reference page. (out of 50 points)
Choose ONE of the two situations
situation #1: the 2010 Haiti earthquake. in 2010 there was a massive 7.0 earthquake that hit Haiti and left the country in shambles. Today, it still remains in shambles, more than a full decade later. https://theconversation.com/a-decade-after-the-earthquake-haiti-still-struggles-to-recover-129670
And, there was another Earthquake in 2021. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/08/14/world/haiti-earthquake
Situation #2: the Florida Condo Collapse Surfside Condo Collapse Takeaways
Extra Credit Samples
extra credit for englsih
#3- re design one of the major assignments for this course (memo, tech description, lab report, engineering proposal) into a completely digital project. (out of 100 points)
Part 1
1.1- compose a detailed project prompt
1.2- proper scaffolding
1.3- peer review/revision dates
part 2- compose a sample of what the idea/outcome of the project would look like
Student Samples
Powerpoint- Model Technical Description (1)
Assignment Prompt- Engr Extra Credit (1)
Reflection Paper on the Engineering 21007 Technical Description
#4- Lab Report- Compose a lab report (out of 50 points)
***Please note- You will NOT actually conduct the lab experiment. But, you will compose the report AS IF YOU DID conduct the lab experiment. Meaning, you are composing the lab report based on a lab experiment you could feasibly complete and then writing up the outcome. Yes, there is a little bit of fiction involved. You are responsible for your own experiment design, results, and analysis. But, nothing actually happened because no experiment was done. This is just to see if you can compose a lab report according to genre conventions.
- Please do your best not to exceed 4 double spaced, typed pages.
- again, this is NOT counting the cover page and reference pages. 4 pages of text.
- Include at least three outside sources
- Must follow genre conventions (I will post a video on this and share links)
- Must have cover page and properly composed reference page according to APA format
- Must be properly composed according to APA requirements- header, headings, page numbers, margins, etc.